Tapping script for a stay at home mom

Karate Chop:

Even though I’m after all just a mom, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though being just a mom doesn’t mean anything to me or my family, I choose to accept myself.

Even though I don’t feel enough being a mom, and acceptance becomes very hard, I choose to be open to accepting myself someday.

Even though I’m so tired and frustrated of people asking me what do  you do, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.


Start tapping at the eye brow and move along the other points using the following statements:

I’m after all a mom; I’m only a mom; I’m just a mom

And that makes me feel not so good enough

I feel I need to be doing something apart from being a mom so that I can feel good enough

But, who says I have to be doing something else than just being a mom

Do they mean having a career, a job, I mean a real job earning money

Then, I can feel good enough

May be it’s their description of feeling good enough

But, how do I make them understand that I have a full time job

In fact I work all 365 days of the year with no pay or time off from work

Okay, let me take a step back and tune into my body

Do I feel constricted when I think I’m just a mom

Or, do I feel so expansive and open when I say I’m a mom

What do I think and feel?

How do I feel right now in my body?

Is this an old familiar feeling that I’m replaying over and over and over again?

Whose voice is telling me, “You know, you should be doing something else other than being a mom, or you should know how to balance your home and work”?

Or, is this my own inner critic, the bully that is telling me, “ You know, there’s got be more than just being a mom”

I see myself getting caught in these voices and thoughts over and over and over again.

I feel so powerless, insecure and inadequate during those moments

I acknowledge all my feelings and the accompanying emotions and bodily sensations right now.

I give myself permission to take an inventory of all that I do during the day for the family

And I give myself appreciation and applause for each and every activity that I do

I also give myself permission to look at all the things that are going well in my life right now.

I choose to acknowledge the value and strength in me even if I’m only a mom.

I call upon the greatness, wisdom and power within me and give myself permission to be a mom and a good enough person.

As much as it is hard for me to accept where I’m right now, I’m willing to tap on not being able to accept this part of me

I choose to tap on all the conscious and unconscious resistance that I have being a mom

Who would I be if I accept the non-accepting part of me

Who would I be if I release all the resistance to shifting this energy

Every time I feel that “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be good enough”. I choose to tap saying the same statements

As I give my emotions a voice while tapping, I dissipate and soften the charge on that feeling.

And, when I do that I make space for the good enough feelings to enter my mind, body, spirit and energy field.

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