From Viruses to Warfare

“World peace is the most essential outer realization of our time.”

“As you transform yourself, you transform the world”.

“Obstacles do not appear in your way in order to stop you. Rather, they appear in order to strengthen and hone you and your plans. They are not your enemy. They are your secret ally, but only if you treat them as friendly forces of nature.” – Anodea Judith

When I woke up this morning, I just wanted to drop everything in my to-do list and begin writing and journaling. What inspired me to write was this experience shared by my sister about how after she started reciting and chanting this prayer for world peace and healing, her own cough completely subsided. I got goosebumps when she shared her story with me. She completely recovered from the cough that she had been struggling for a few weeks. What a noble thought and a noble deed from her! If each and every one of us tap, meditate, pray, and set positive intentions for the world and mankind to heal, we can collectively shift the consciousness of this planet.

Over the past few weeks it has been very gratifying to experience the amazing healing work online offered by coaches, healers, spiritual teachers, thought leaders and visionaries. Each one of them gave their valuable time by holding healing, meditating, prayer and tapping circles for their global communities. There is a heart centered connection in the world right now amidst all the crisis we are facing as a planet.

As we learn to endure and be aware of our own survival fears, some going all the way back through childhood, which can easily get triggered and activated during these times, tapping is a great tool to turn to soothe and calm our nervous system.

I used to regularly tune into the EFT Radio Show. One of my favorite hosts is Judy Wolvington, who is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. In her words, ”All attacks are a call for love. If there is enough love in the world, there will be no wars”. I think she is right.

If we look at the coronavirus situation that the planet is facing right now, it is indeed a call for love, which is the antidote for fear. The fear that we are facing right now is very reasonable and there is no need to be judgmental or hard on ourselves for being this way. These are opportunities for us to be fully present with our fears, helpless and hopeless feelings, and as we tap, we will be led to guidance, support and love.

From viruses to warfare, love is a cure all. Love is so deep that it can penetrate anywhere whether it is our body or any place on this earth. If we understand that we all are energetically connected in this unified field of consciousness, a healing tool like tapping, or prayer or an intention creates a ripple of hope, peace and possibilities for the highest good of all.

As we consciously evolve by shedding our ego (Edging God Out), and releasing the trauma and distress from our energy body, we become a channel of love and light emitting into the Universe. Imagine a world filled with love and light so that no virus or weapon can attack us. It is a call for all of us to practice love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. And, it all starts with us! Let’s start this journey by practicing self love.

In the words of spiritual masters, “Let’s learn to surrender more and set an intention for the good to come” By embracing our fears and asking for Divine support and guidance, we can begin to feel safe in the present moment, because the present moment is all we have with us.

2 thoughts on “From Viruses to Warfare

  • March 26, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    Uplifting writeup! Thanks for spreading positivity in this much needed time when the greater part of the world is anxious!

  • March 26, 2020 at 9:07 pm

    Excellent write up 👌👌 wonderful read ! Must read again and agsin


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