The Universe listens to our vibration!

I move through my days light heartedly and carefree knowing all is well. – Deepak Chopra

As we are in the last week of 2020, honoring our lives and breath and celebrating our life on planet earth in spite of Covid-19, here are some closing thoughts to contemplate as we step into 2021:

Meeting ourselves where we are and knowing that we live in a benevolent and supporting Universe.

Taking the time to appreciate the beauty and good within us is very important as we continue to grow, evolve and transform in this journey.

Our thoughts and emotions carry an energy and vibration, and developing an awareness of where we are on the emotional scale helps us to begin our healing journey.

The Universe listens to our vibration and responds accordingly. Remembering to use the tools in our tool box help us shift the vibration and connect with the field of infinite possibilities.

Letting go and trusting the Universe is a process and every time we doubt if things are happening for our highest good, embracing the human part of us, will help us move forward.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


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