When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience. – Jaeda Dewalt
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most resilient and responsive to change. – Charles Darwin
This week I choose to write about how tapping can help one go beyond just stress relief. Emotion (E-motion) is energy in motion. When we begin to shift our energy using tapping on a regular basis, even if it is just for a few minutes a day, we create a space within ourselves. We experience a shift in perspective towards issues that used to be bothersome in the past.
The reason I’m inspired to write about building emotional resilience is because, when I share tapping during classes or workshops, I’m always asked by at least a couple of participants that they want to work on managing their anger. In other words, what they mean is they would like to respond in a calm manner, without reacting to the person or the circumstance.
When we feel angry, we almost find ourselves in a helpless, hopeless, and powerless situation, no matter what the problem that we are handling in that moment. Going back to the idea of creating space within ourselves, we build momentum through tapping, by acknowledging and voicing our anger. This dissipates the intensity of anger, as our nervous system relaxes and we realize that we are not in any real threat or danger. The more we practice this, eventually we will notice that we react less and respond more.
Building emotional resilience is like building a muscle by going to the gym. It takes time, but it is really worth spending sometime tapping to build resilience. This does not mean that we will never get angry at all. Even if we do, the response will not be disproportionate and we can quickly bounce back as tapping deepens our awareness, helping us redirect our emotional response.
I want to invite you to join me on these two free tapping calls that I’m offering on March 3rd, and March 10th from 5 pm to 6 pm PST. Please click on the link below to register.
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!