This week, I’m called to write about this topic, “What do people see in you?” In the last four years, I had the opportunity to network with several groups, and individuals on a regular basis. Every time, I talked to people, and share about the work I do, I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Networking helped me build friendships and relationships with like-minded individuals. Above all, networking helped me understand that everyone speaks the same language and faced with similar challenges in terms of growing their business. I had the privilege of listening to some wonderful speakers at these networking events, and I learned something from all of them.
I would like to share my experience listening to Lynn Kirkham from “Yes, You can Speak!”. During her mini workshop presentation, she walked us through the following exercise:
- Each one of us were given a small pouch with small heart shaped papers in the pouch. On one of the hearts, Lynn had written “You are enough”.
- We were asked to go around the room and pick a few people, look them in their eyes for a few seconds to a minute and write a word or two about what we see in them.
- After we write the word, we were asked to drop the paper in the person’s pouch, without them looking at what is written on the hearts, and move on to the next person.
- It was a very powerful exercise and it was quite interesting to see the words that were written about each other, as we went around sharing them at the end.
- In conclusion, Lynn’s message was “This is what people see in you”.
So, the next time our inner critic begins to bully us by saying hurtful things, we can begin to acknowledge the best within us and consider the possibility of all the good things that people can see in us.
This can change the way we think about ourselves and how we show up in the world.
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!