How do you know if tapping is working for you?

This week I choose to write about how to measure or know if tapping is really working for you. I recently had a conversation with someone who told me that she has been tapping for several years and still hasn’t experienced any big results. If for some reason you feel that you haven’t got any major breakthroughs using tapping, I encourage you to consider the following points and watch the video below.

  1. EFT tapping changes your neurology, physiology and biochemistry.
  2. EFT has a cumulative effect and even if you don’t see any major changes, you are still shifting and making changes in your energy body at a subtle level.
  3. It’s always a good idea to notice if you feel lighter, or if you react less and respond more or if you get less triggered than before.
  4. Yawning, burping, crying, sighing, and having a relaxed posture are all signs that you are clearing the stuck energy.
  5. If you have been tapping for a long time, it’s possible that you may have forgotten as to where and how you started and where you are right now.
  6. When we shift, transform and maintain that state for quite some time, that becomes our new norm and it can feel like that we are not getting much out of tapping.
  7. Even without any gains or benefits, if you are still returning to tapping, it is a very clear indication that this tool is helping you at some level.
  8. You can also measure your progress by three factors: intensity, duration, and frequency of the issues and the related emotions.

April is autism awareness month. I have been doing a 21-day video series for the past four years to honor the individuals on the spectrum across the globe, their families, and caregivers. This year, I’m creating content on the topic “Letting go”. Please email me if you want me to make a video on something that you want to let go but have a difficult time doing it.

Here is the first video in the series:

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


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