The Power of Language

Language is power. Language can be used as a means of changing reality. – Adrienne Rich

Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create joy. – Deepak Chopra

Words can inspire. Words can destroy. Choose yours well. – Robin Sharma

This week I choose to write about the power of language and how language has a huge influence on our mind, body, spirit and energy field.

“I can’t wait to get started” or “I can’t wait to watch it” these are very common phrases used by some of us when what we actually mean is I’m eagerly looking forward to starting the project or I’m very excited about this upcoming event.

If you say out loud the above statements, you can begin to notice a shift in your energy and vibration as there is a forward movement in our mindset.

Here are a few more examples: “I don’t want to get caught in the traffic”, “I don’t want to fall sick”, “I don’t want to be late for the appointment”, “I don’t want to fail” or “I don’t want to miss this opportunity”.

If we examine each of the above statements, we may notice that instead of saying or thinking about what we want, we are focusing on what we don’t want. There is really nothing wrong about it. Sometimes, knowing what we don’t want will lead us to what we do want.  Our brains are wired to think a certain way and it is a good idea to consciously change the language and choose words that shift us to the mindset of creation and positivity.

In EFT tapping, we always begin with stating the presenting issue and the emotions and this begins to move the energy and focus leading to better outcomes. As we begin to practice tapping on a regular basis, we are able to easily affirm what we want and not worry about what we don’t want.

Our subconscious mind does not interpret “No” and “Don’t”. Before focusing on any affirmations, it is better to tap on our doubts, fears, and worries, and sometimes that’s all we need to create space and momentum.

If language is this powerful, every time we speak about ourselves or others our psyche is constantly being programmed to think and feel a certain way.

Tapping can help us acknowledge what we don’t want, leading us to what we do want.

Please send me an email if you like to be added to the drawing for a free session in September.

Stay tuned for a group tapping program in November.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


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