April has been a busy month for me as I was focusing on creating content. To honor neurodiversity and autism, I posted a series of videos the entire month on my YouTube channel.
Here is a short first video for you:
(2) Honoring Neurodiversity in April!! – YouTube
This entire series has been created with the intention of educating, inspiring, and empowering anyone watching the video, beginning with myself first. I have featured the talents of individuals on the autism spectrum along with some interviews. If you know someone in your life who can benefit from these videos, please share my YouTube channel or this newsletter with them.
As I was putting together all these videos, I was able to appreciate all the content creators who make a difference in the world through reading, writing, blogging, making videos and podcasts and in so many other ways. I also realized that anything created out of inspiration may not even feel like work, because you are enjoying the whole process.
There is a lot of talk about acceptance and awareness on social media and also in a few of my interviews. I was actually thinking about what we mean by acceptance and how it looks like when it comes to autism.
As I continue to experience this journey with my son, I recognize all the denial, heartache, grief, and disappointment that I experienced and how it has taken several years for me to heal these emotions. I still continue to heal as this is a lifelong journey. As a caregiver I remember all the dark areas, and the difficulties I had showing up with a new identity as a parent of a child with autism. I recognize all the non-acceptance and the resistance I experienced within myself. As I began tapping and releasing the heavy emotional baggage and stuck energy that I had been carrying for a very long time I experienced acceptance within myself first. When I accepted my new identity, I experienced acceptance everywhere I went with my son.
So, here is something to consider for all of us: Every time we expect acceptance, in other words, seeking external validation, it’s a great idea to go deep within us, and give ourselves permission to love and accept ourselves first. This can have a positive influence on our energy and the people around us.
Please email me if you would like to be included for the drawing of a free session for April and May.
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!!