What is EFT?
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom techniques. It is a combination of eastern Chinese acupuncture and modern western psychology. In other words, EFT tapping is psychological acupuncture using the same energy meridians without the needles.
It is a safe, simple and effective mind body technique that helps in releasing stress from the body’s energy system. The results of tapping can be so profound that it can shift an individual’s perspective from chaos to calm, from panic to peace, and from overwhelm to relaxation and joy.
We often hear and talk about eating right and exercising. But, we seldom talk about taking care of our emotions and stress levels. Tapping is a great tool to take care of our mental and emotional health. It is a gift you can give yourself to achieve transformation at all levels whether it is mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
Stress Relief at your Fingertips
Tapping gently with your fingers on the acupuncture points, while voicing your emotions, helps release the stress (physical pain, emotions, etc). Tapping on the end points of the meridians helps resolve the energy disruption and the results are remarkable.
Gary Craig is the creator of EFT. It has been around for more than 30 years and it is becoming more popular and mainstream now. Millions of people around the world are using tapping and enjoying the healing benefits. EFT is also being integrated into their practice by many coaches, healthcare workers, and healing arts professionals across the globe.
According to EFT master, Ann Adams, EFT tapping is a unique exercise that calms you so that you can think clearly about the problem. She came up with the 5 C’s of EFT. They are: calm, clarity, confidence, courage and choice.
When we are tapping, we are sending a calming signal to the amygdala, which is the fight/flight part of the brain.
After completing a few rounds of tapping, your body will feel more relaxed, and mind a lot calmer. You will start feeling happier, more energetic and focused on your goals.
EFT produces rapid relief for various physical and emotional ailments. Every time you tap, you are rebooting your energy body, reprogramming your primitive brain and rewiring your nervous system for a better outcome.
The beauty of EFT lies in its simplicity. Even children can learn tapping and use it by themselves. EFT soothes the nervous system by interrupting our thought patterns, and helping us get unstuck.
The use of EFT with the differently abled population
I stumbled upon EFT in 2011 while researching the internet about an intervention for my son who is on the autism spectrum. I was so drawn to this amazing technique and after tapping for a few minutes, I felt this huge release as if a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders. I got hooked to tapping since then and it has changed my physical, mental and emotional health, relationships and the way I’m able to interact with my son.
When I’m approached by parents, if EFT can help with learning disabilities, autism or any other condition or rare disorders, my answer to them is “YES”. But, I always ask parents to start working on themselves first and then help their child. By asking the simple question, “How is my child’s disability affecting me, my emotions, and most important, the quality of my life?” can get you started on your journey into tapping. So, instead of adding EFT to the list of myriad of interventions that we try for our children, why not use tapping for ourselves first, since as parents and caregivers, when we come from a place of emotional stability, our children and our families in turn experience the benefits of healing. I use the analogy of an oxygen mask (in flights) to help people understand tapping. It is important that we wear the oxygen mask on ourselves first before we help our children. Since tapping has a ripple effect and has the ability to shift the field around us, your children may not even need to tap on themselves. Any parent or caregiver with a child with different abilities would definitely agree how these individuals are so sensitive to picking up the energy of others. Many individuals who are differently abled are very sensitive to touch, and in those scenarios, a parent or caregiver tapping on themselves (called surrogate tapping) will help the individual feel better.
Shift your energy with EFT
Tapping helps you to be in this present moment. Very often, we hear this saying,” your outer world is a reflection of your inner world”. Tapping helps you change your inner world, which in turn changes your outer world. Tapping helps you to be more intuitive, creative and come up with better solutions for yourself and others. Tapping on your everyday stresses and stressors helps you release them from your body. Use this profound technique, amp up your energy, be more present and show up in the world shining like a star.
I truly believe when we heal ourselves, we heal the planet. By shifting your thoughts, emotions and the stuck energy in your body, you will be opening yourself to all kinds of opportunities and possibilities in life.