This week as I write this blog post, I realize how grateful I am to have a shelter, food, clothing and most of all I’m able to breathe easily and effortlessly. Having a conversation with friends, family and clients has lead me to understand how different our perspectives are when it comes to the same situation. It is impossible for all of us to think in the same manner and respond to events with a similar mindset.
America’s Success Coach talks about this formula E+R=O, where E stands for events, R stands for Response and the O represents the Outcome. We don’t have control over the events in our life, but we have absolute control over how we respond which can totally change the outcome.
As we continue to deal with this global pandemic as a planet, it has been very interesting and heart warming to see how collectively we have come together by serving and taking care of each other in our own unique ways.
These are some of the following ways people have touched the lives of individuals in the past few weeks:
Some individuals have taken the responsibility of making masks and delivering them to hospitals, since there is a shortage of masks for healthcare workers.
Healing, prayer and meditation circles held online by hundreds of people( may be thousands) across the globe to help people deal with this present situation.
Donating money to non profits serving individuals who are in need of food, shelter and water.
Many individuals are teaching classes online free of cost in an effort to serve children and young adults with special needs.
By giving their valuable time to others offering emotional support to the ones who has a friend or family member as a first responder.
And there may be innumerable ways people are supporting and helping each other during this global crisis.
As fear and uncertainty continue, I also realize, that people are frustrated, annoyed, and disappointed as plans are getting collapsed. Thanks to technology which is making things a lot easier, smooth, up and running even during these difficult circumstances. There is a fear of losing jobs, fear of investments failing and going down, fear that this situation will never improve, the uncertainty of not knowing how long this is going to last, fear of this global shut down continuing for several months and fear of facing a shortage of food and supplies. The list goes on and on.
With all that is going on in the world right now, I invite you to consider the idea of returning to focus on your breath and be more aware and consciously take a few breaths, every time your nervous system gets triggered. Quite often, it shows up as anger, frustration, irritation and a sense of helplessness. If you are a person who thinks that I’m always that way, I invite you to consider incorporating tapping into your daily routine.
These are opportunities for us to go deep within and take an inventory of our own past traumas and stressful memories and do some journaling, self inquiry and releasing the emotional clutter that is weighing us down.
Personally, for me, it has been an interesting month as I have begun to appreciate how resilient and adaptable we are as humans and our best comes forth during these stressful moments. I’m also being more aware of my own blind spots, my shadows, conscious and unconscious resistances towards other people’s actions, thought processes and behaviors. Although I have conditioned myself to see the glass as half full, I can clearly notice that there is a part of me that still continues to see the glass as half empty.
If you are someone who is worried about not having enough food and supplies in the days and months to come, and want to buy more and stock up more, I invite you to send love and kindness to this part of you, go deep within and ask yourself where is this fear coming from and make a mental note of it. If you recall a memory or an event, now is a great time to use tapping to clear that energy.
This is a time for all of us to practice gratitude and self care more than ever and this in turn can lead to compassion towards the self and the planet.