We are born with a unique blueprint

If you are someone who has an idea and feel that this idea is too old, or you feel someone has already done something along these lines, then I invite you to consider this idea that “You are born with a unique blueprint”.

Every time we feel this way, it is because of an unconscious fear of rejection or being criticized or feeling that I’m not smart enough and I’m not good enough.

When we are born and we come into this world, we are just these beautiful beings of love. As we begin to grow, we start conditioning ourselves with the programs of all the people around us. We download all the thought processes, behaviors and belief systems of our family members, school, and our community. We get conditioned with all the good, bad, ugly and worst throughout our lives. We add our own ideas, thoughts, and decisions to this mix, and we are left with so much of writing on our walls.

Some of the writing on our walls are very useful and serve us in a very good and useful manner. But, there is a part of us that plays the old tapes and sometimes we end up having a negative self talk, saying things like, “ I’m a loser”, “ Nobody is going to hire me”, “ I will always feel trapped and stuck”, “ There’s no way out for me”, “ I can never reach my ideal weight”, “ This situation will never improve”.

Combined with the writing on our walls, and our own negative self talk mix added, we see ourselves circling the drain or going round the rabbit hole over and over again. Eventually, we forget who we really are, and start living a life conditioned by others.

Deepak Chopra wrote in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, “You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world – and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.”

As we begin to search our true nature and identity, EFT becomes a beautiful companion for us to erase the old tapes, and the writing that do not serve us in anyway. We begin to reprogram our subconscious mind through tapping and the more we do this process, we get closer and closer to the truth of who we are, which is love. As you reinvent yourself, you also get more comfortable with the idea that” You are born with a unique blueprint”. Even if your idea is not something new, it will have your unique touch, twist and flavor to it. Nobody else in this entire world can bring this idea to life except yourself.

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