Acceptance applies to the inner as well as the outer world. Acceptance includes the ability to tranquilly accept both personal and human limitations without loss of self esteem. – David. R. Hawkins
At the beginning of 2020, I chose “Acceptance” as my word for this year. The Universe has really brought several opportunities for me to practice acceptance. I didn’t even know why I was drawn towards acceptance. But, now I realize that my subconscious mind brought acceptance to the surface because I’m ready to fully embrace acceptance or I may have some kind of an unconscious resistance to acceptance.
If you are still reading this post, thank you for staying with me and taking the time to read. In EFT tapping, when we begin to tap at the karate chop point, saying the set up statement, we always say, “Even though I have this problem, I accept myself”. In other words, no matter how bad or miserable I may feel in this moment, I accept myself with this problem.
As much as we want to accept people, life events, and experiences, it also poses a challenge if we are forcing ourselves to accept, because it can make us feel as though we do not have power and a choice. We always have a choice, when it comes to anything and everything in life. What makes it difficult to see the choices is when we drift away from our consciousness. Well, if we are always in an enlightened, and conscious state, then we will not be having difficulties in acceptance.
Looking back at 2020, and the journey we all have been through because of Covid-19, we can definitely relate to the word acceptance. We, as a planet collectively accepted the unacceptable. We adapted to a new way of living, thinking, believing and evolving as a planet. But, did we all do it from a place of total acceptance? I certainly didn’t adapt from a place of total acceptance. If you answered “No” to this question, this will lead you to a target that you can tap on and create an opening for acceptance.
The beauty of tapping is you can meet yourself where you are at and begin tapping by giving your emotions a voice. So, instead of asking why am I not able to accept( this could be a person, a situation, an emotion, a feeling, a behavior, or an outcome), begin tapping by saying out loud one of the following statements:
I’m unable to accept
I don’t want to accept
I can’t accept
It is impossible to accept
It is too difficult to accept
The above statements are just examples. You can feel free to change it according to your needs. The idea is to give you some relief just by tapping and voicing your emotions. As you continue to do a few rounds or several rounds of tapping with these statements, notice what is happening to your body and your mind. Take a pause after every round and notice the changes. If you are getting some insights or an awareness, acknowledge, as that can lead you to the answers that you are looking for the current issue.
Until next time, keep tapping!