This week I choose to write about what happens when we get into talking and share our powerful stories, especially the ones from the past. Our nervous systems are conditioned by our stories and life experiences, as it is a barometer for us to gauge where to go and where not to go in terms of making choices and decisions. Having an awareness of when we are caught up in our stories is the first step to shifting from being a victim to a victor.
Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. – Deepak Chopra
“I choose to be a pioneer of the future and release being a prisoner of the past.” This is a statement I have right above my desk and it is a constant reminder for me to let go off the past and move towards the future.
We are wired to remember the disempowering stories than the moments where we truly felt empowered. Tapping is a great tool to turn to condition our body and mind, because it really helps us get out of the prison of the past and prepares us to be a pioneer of the future.
Years ago, before I stumbled upon tapping, when someone approached me with their problems, I actively listened to them, held a space for them where they felt heard and offered emotional support. I would do the best I can with whatever resources I had at that time. Looking back, I feel the truth is I really didn’t know how to help them. Sometimes, when I followed up after two or three weeks later, not much would have changed in their life and we will end up talking about their disempowering experiences or how they were victimized once again. I’m also a firm believer that the solutions for our problems are always within us. Our own intuition, guidance and inner wisdom will direct us to the solutions.
Research shows that by talking about the problem over and over again, strengthens the neural circuitry and neural bundles in the pathway, making it even harder to counter condition the individual. I have experienced this myself and also seen this happen time and time again when I try to listen to someone’s problems and help them. If I’m not aware I can easily get caught up in the old pattern of thinking, believing and reacting. Those are the moments I return to tapping to get myself centered and anchored and also to take an inventory of what is going well in my life.
There is really nothing wrong in owning our stories and talking or sharing about them. But, when we feel emotionally triggered and looking for answers, tapping will really help us break free, get unhooked from the issue, whether it is physical, mental or emotional, by taking the edge off and reducing the intensity of the issue. From that place, we can create an opening for infinite possibilities.
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!