I recently lost my notebook in which I had written some EFT notes from several workshops. I consider these notes very valuable and I used to refer to them from time to time. I realized it has been a while since I referred to this notebook. So, I decided to go over the notes once again to refresh my memory.
As someone who has always struggled with being organized and also remembering to keep things in their respective places, I recognize that I have come a long way in this journey and I’m a work in progress.
When I looked for the notebook in my desk among other notebooks, I couldn’t find it. I got a bit upset, then frustrated that I couldn’t find it. I felt very bad about myself and before I knew, I felt hijacked by all sorts of emotions.
I began frantically searching for the notebook and I couldn’t focus on anything else till I found the notebook.
Here’s a tapping script I used to find the notebook:
Even though I’m really ashamed and embarrassed about myself for misplacing the notebook, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I feel very guilty for not valuing this notebook, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.
Even though I don’t take anything seriously, I choose to accept myself with all my flaws.
All these feelings of shame and embarrassment in my body
I wonder where I felt this shame and embarrassed feelings before
I will never be able to forgive myself if I don’t find that notebook
I will never be okay if I lose this valuable treasure
I’m frustrated with myself because I’m so disorganized
I will never be able to accept myself if I don’t find that notebook
I can’t believe that the same pattern is showing up in my life once again
I’m really sick, tired, and exhausted of looking for lost and misplaced items
As I tuned into the emotion of shame and embarrassment, I was immediately taken back to an event during my elementary school. So, I began tapping on the event. ( I haven’t shared the exact details of the event, for my privacy. I was more specific when I tapped on the memory.)
Even though I have this event still stuck in my mind and body, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I still have this event lingering within me, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.
Even though there is a part of me that still wants to hold on to this event and there is a part of me that wants to let it go, I choose to accept both parts of me.
All this shame and embarrassment that I experienced when I was in elementary school
I learned a long time ago that I’m not good enough and I’m not smart enough
I really feel like a loser when I think about this event
I really wish I had the courage and confidence to defend myself
I feel helpless, hopeless, and powerless when I think about this event
I feel speechless when tune into this memory
I wish I had taken things seriously back then and even now
I wish I was perfect like everyone else and not so flawed
I stopped searching for the notebook for some time. Then, I decided to give my emotions a voice and continued to tap.
Even though I’m unable to find this notebook, I choose to acknowledge all my feelings right now.
Even though I’m clueless as to where to look for the notebook, I choose to accept myself.
Even though I have all the other notebooks and this one alone is missing, I’m open to the possibility of finding it soon.
I’m clueless
I don’t even know where to look for the notebook
I have looked for the notebook in all possible places
And, I feel like giving up on searching for this anymore
Where did I put this one, maybe in a special safe place
But, I don’t remember anything right now
How can it disappear or magically vanish?
I wonder if I will ever be able to find the notebook again
I set an intention right here right now to find the notebook
I ask the Universe to guide me to the place where I put the notebook
After tapping on the above statements, I continued to search and within five minutes, I found the notebook in a black bag in another room.
Here’s a video I created a few months back on the same topic:
This blog post and tapping script will give you an idea of how tapping on the events can help us move forward by releasing the stuck energy. As I was reading all the tapping statements, I really wondered if I would have been able to find the notebook without tapping on the memory from school. Maybe or maybe not?
But, in my case tapping on the shame and embarrassing feelings took me back to my elementary school and so I was lead to tap on this memory which also helped me to process these emotions.
Everything is energy and emotion is energy in motion. When we move this energy, we are able to shift to a better feeling place.