We live in a society and culture that promotes hard work and being busy. People who are not busy can be judged as wasting time and not being engaged in an activity.
The success model put out by the society can be too much of a pressure and difficult to reach for many and when someone doesn’t achieve this model of success, it is very easy to judge them and think they are a failure.
Looking back and reflecting on the path that we walked will help every individual understand that they have done very well given their circumstances.
We all are trying to do the best we can with whatever resources that were available to us.
The one resource that is available to all of us is time. If you are someone who has been procrastinating on projects and not taking action on your goals, it is quite possible that you are hardwired by labeling yourself as a procrastinator.
All of us know that our past determines our present. What if, our past does not have to determine our present. What if, it is never too late to make a change and shift things in way that serves our highest good.
We have a braver and wiser self within us which can guide us to the next steps no matter who we were in the past.
If there is an inner voice that says I could have done better, one can reassure themselves that it is never too late to set reasonable and measurable goals and work towards achieving them.
If you are someone who is trying to seek approval from others for how to lead your life, ask yourself how old do you feel. A number will pop in your mind. Do not worry if the number is right, go back to the age and try to recall if you remember anything. If not, make a note of that age and let it go. If there was anything significant, it will come back to you at a later time.
Research shows that when we write our goals, tasks and action steps, we are more likely to complete them. If you are someone new to this idea, you can always start small by writing down one or two simple goals, achieving them, and checking them off from your list.
This will initiate the process of rewiring your hardwired limiting beliefs about yourself. When we are able to do this on a consistent basis, we are able to create new neural pathways in our brain and eventually these connections become stronger and we are able to break free from the old patterns of thinking and believing.
Research also shows that productivity is related to happiness. I want to circle back to the beginning of this blog post where I started with this idea of how hard work and being busy is promoted in our society.
If you set forth to achieving some goals and you still haven’t achieved them, it’s good idea to look into your emotions and begin addressing them first even before you take any action.
In the work that I do, that emotion is just stuck energy. And, once you clear that energy, you will gain clarity on what you want to do next and sometimes you may be surprised to know that it is just accepting and making peace with yourself.
We can never accomplish anything by judging, criticizing, and being hard on ourselves. But, we can accomplish at least something by acknowledging, appreciating and being kind to ourselves.
Stay tuned for a group tapping program in March 2022!!
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!