Your inner child still needs to be loved in order to heal the complete self. – Karen A. Baquiran
Within us, all is a radiant inner child bathed in joy. – Amy Leigh Mercree
I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery. – John Bradshaw
This week I choose to write about why it is important to heal the inner child and how EFT can help you heal the inner child.
The inner child can show up in our day today lives as abandoned, threatened, intimidated, rejected, powerless, helpless, and hopeless at times depending on the trigger that initiates this response in someone.
This is an experience that almost every client reports during a session.
As you are reading this, you may even wonder that a child does not know, speak, or understand this type of language. But, a child can absorb the energy from the people in the environment even though they are not able to label their emotions and feelings at a very young age.
I have also heard clients tell me that they had a very happy childhood and even in those cases, the wounded child can be easily identified by the way they describe their problem and how they process it.
I always ask them the following questions:
What does this remind you of?
Who told you this?
How old do you feel when you tune into your body or the emotion?
This can take you all the way back to when you were in your mother’s womb or when you were an infant. An event or single experience, someone’s loud voice, the look on their face, a word or phrase heard can send a very strong message to the child.
There are two parts to healing the inner child: identifying the experience/memory/event which carries the emotional charge, and understanding the impact this experience has on the individual.
The impact will be more focused on what they decided about themselves or the world as a child. These limiting beliefs become the foundation of who they are and how they show up in the world.
As we learn, grow, and evolve, we also develop strategies and coping mechanisms to deal with the emotions which are unconscious. Tapping helps us bring the unconscious to the conscious in a very safe manner, so that we can finally heal and shift the energy that may have been blocking us from being the best version of ourselves. We begin to experience a shift in perspective towards life, and the world.
Healing the wounded child helps us have love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves, with all our strengths and flaws. When self love, self acceptance and self compassion becomes effortless, we are able to extend the same to the people in our lives and the world. It all begins with us.
The next time you feel activated and experience any of the above feelings consider the possibility that the child in you needs some attention. You can reparent the inner child by offering the safety, security, and resources through tapping and integrating this part into every cell of your body.
Stay tuned for a group tapping program in November!
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!