We are born with a unique blueprint

If you are someone who has an idea and feel that this idea is too old, or you feel someone has already done something along these lines, then I invite you to consider this idea that “You are born with a unique blueprint”.

Every time we feel this way, it is because of an unconscious fear of rejection or being criticized or feeling that I’m not smart enough and I’m not good enough.

When we are born and we come into this world, we are just these beautiful beings of love. As we begin to grow, we start conditioning ourselves with the programs of all the people around us. We download all the thought processes, behaviors and belief systems of our family members, school, and our community. We get conditioned with all the good, bad, ugly and worst throughout our lives. We add our own ideas, thoughts, and decisions to this mix, and we are left with so much of writing on our walls.

Some of the writing on our walls are very useful and serve us in a very good and useful manner. But, there is a part of us that plays the old tapes and sometimes we end up having a negative self talk, saying things like, “ I’m a loser”, “ Nobody is going to hire me”, “ I will always feel trapped and stuck”, “ There’s no way out for me”, “ I can never reach my ideal weight”, “ This situation will never improve”.

Combined with the writing on our walls, and our own negative self talk mix added, we see ourselves circling the drain or going round the rabbit hole over and over again. Eventually, we forget who we really are, and start living a life conditioned by others.

Deepak Chopra wrote in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, “You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world – and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.”

As we begin to search our true nature and identity, EFT becomes a beautiful companion for us to erase the old tapes, and the writing that do not serve us in anyway. We begin to reprogram our subconscious mind through tapping and the more we do this process, we get closer and closer to the truth of who we are, which is love. As you reinvent yourself, you also get more comfortable with the idea that” You are born with a unique blueprint”. Even if your idea is not something new, it will have your unique touch, twist and flavor to it. Nobody else in this entire world can bring this idea to life except yourself.

As fear and uncertainty continue…

This week as I write this blog post, I realize how grateful I am to have a shelter, food, clothing and most of all I’m able to breathe easily and effortlessly. Having a conversation with friends, family and clients has lead me to understand how different our perspectives are when it comes to the same situation. It is impossible for all of us to think in the same manner and respond to events with a similar mindset.

America’s Success Coach talks about this formula E+R=O, where E stands for events, R stands for Response and the O represents the Outcome. We don’t have control over the events in our life, but we have absolute control over how we respond which can totally change the outcome.

As we continue to deal with this global pandemic as a planet, it has been very interesting and heart warming to see how collectively we have come together by serving and taking care of each other in our own  unique ways.

These are some of the following ways people have touched the lives of individuals in the past few weeks:

Some individuals have taken the responsibility of making masks and delivering them to hospitals, since there is a shortage of masks for healthcare workers.

Healing, prayer and meditation circles held online by hundreds of people( may be thousands) across the globe to help people deal with this present situation.

Donating money to non profits serving individuals who are in need of food, shelter and water.

Many individuals are teaching classes online free of cost in an effort to serve children and young adults with special needs.

By giving their valuable time to others offering emotional support to the ones who has a friend or family member as a first responder.

And there may be innumerable ways people are supporting and helping each other during this  global crisis.

As fear and uncertainty continue, I also realize, that people are frustrated, annoyed, and disappointed as plans are getting collapsed. Thanks to technology which is making things a lot easier, smooth, up and running  even during these difficult circumstances. There is a fear of losing jobs, fear of investments failing and going down, fear that this situation will never improve, the uncertainty of not knowing how long this is going to last, fear of this global shut down continuing for several months and fear of facing a shortage of food and supplies. The list goes on and on.

With all that is going on in the world right now, I invite you to consider the idea of returning to focus on your breath and be more aware and consciously take a few breaths, every time your nervous system gets triggered. Quite often, it shows up as anger, frustration, irritation and a sense of helplessness. If you are a person who thinks that I’m always that way, I invite you to consider incorporating tapping into your daily routine.

These are opportunities for us to go deep within and take an inventory of our own past traumas and stressful memories and do some journaling, self inquiry and releasing the emotional clutter that is weighing us down.

Personally, for me, it has been an interesting month as I have begun to appreciate how resilient and adaptable we are as humans and our best comes forth during these stressful moments. I’m also being more aware of my own blind spots, my shadows, conscious and unconscious resistances towards other people’s actions, thought processes and behaviors. Although I have conditioned myself to see the glass as half full, I can clearly notice that there is a part of me that still continues to see the glass as half empty.

If you are someone who is worried about not having enough food and supplies in the days and months to come, and want to buy more and stock up more, I invite you to send love and kindness to this part of you,  go deep within and ask yourself where is this fear coming from and make a mental note of it. If you recall a memory or an event, now is a great time to use tapping to clear that energy.

This is a time for all of us to practice gratitude and self care more than ever and this in turn can lead to compassion towards the self and the planet.

From Viruses to Warfare

“World peace is the most essential outer realization of our time.”

“As you transform yourself, you transform the world”.

“Obstacles do not appear in your way in order to stop you. Rather, they appear in order to strengthen and hone you and your plans. They are not your enemy. They are your secret ally, but only if you treat them as friendly forces of nature.” – Anodea Judith

When I woke up this morning, I just wanted to drop everything in my to-do list and begin writing and journaling. What inspired me to write was this experience shared by my sister about how after she started reciting and chanting this prayer for world peace and healing, her own cough completely subsided. I got goosebumps when she shared her story with me. She completely recovered from the cough that she had been struggling for a few weeks. What a noble thought and a noble deed from her! If each and every one of us tap, meditate, pray, and set positive intentions for the world and mankind to heal, we can collectively shift the consciousness of this planet.

Over the past few weeks it has been very gratifying to experience the amazing healing work online offered by coaches, healers, spiritual teachers, thought leaders and visionaries. Each one of them gave their valuable time by holding healing, meditating, prayer and tapping circles for their global communities. There is a heart centered connection in the world right now amidst all the crisis we are facing as a planet.

As we learn to endure and be aware of our own survival fears, some going all the way back through childhood, which can easily get triggered and activated during these times, tapping is a great tool to turn to soothe and calm our nervous system.

I used to regularly tune into the EFT Radio Show. One of my favorite hosts is Judy Wolvington, who is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. In her words, ”All attacks are a call for love. If there is enough love in the world, there will be no wars”. I think she is right.

If we look at the coronavirus situation that the planet is facing right now, it is indeed a call for love, which is the antidote for fear. The fear that we are facing right now is very reasonable and there is no need to be judgmental or hard on ourselves for being this way. These are opportunities for us to be fully present with our fears, helpless and hopeless feelings, and as we tap, we will be led to guidance, support and love.

From viruses to warfare, love is a cure all. Love is so deep that it can penetrate anywhere whether it is our body or any place on this earth. If we understand that we all are energetically connected in this unified field of consciousness, a healing tool like tapping, or prayer or an intention creates a ripple of hope, peace and possibilities for the highest good of all.

As we consciously evolve by shedding our ego (Edging God Out), and releasing the trauma and distress from our energy body, we become a channel of love and light emitting into the Universe. Imagine a world filled with love and light so that no virus or weapon can attack us. It is a call for all of us to practice love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. And, it all starts with us! Let’s start this journey by practicing self love.

In the words of spiritual masters, “Let’s learn to surrender more and set an intention for the good to come” By embracing our fears and asking for Divine support and guidance, we can begin to feel safe in the present moment, because the present moment is all we have with us.

The Ripple effect of EFT Tapping

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom techniques. It is a combination of eastern Chinese acupuncture and modern western psychology. In other words, EFT tapping is psychological acupuncture using the same energy meridians without the needles.

It is a safe, simple and effective mind body technique that helps in releasing stress from the body’s energy system. The results of tapping can be so profound that it can shift an individual’s perspective from chaos to calm, from panic to peace, and from overwhelm to relaxation and joy.

We often hear and talk about eating right and exercising.  But, we seldom talk about taking care of our emotions and stress levels. Tapping is a great tool to take care of our mental and emotional health. It is a gift you can give yourself to achieve transformation at all levels whether it is mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.

Stress Relief at your Fingertips

Tapping gently with your fingers on the acupuncture points, while voicing your emotions, helps release the stress (physical pain, emotions, etc). Tapping on the end points of the meridians helps resolve the energy disruption and the results are remarkable.

Gary Craig is the creator of EFT. It has been around for more than 30 years and it is becoming more popular and mainstream now. Millions of people around the world are using tapping and enjoying the healing benefits. EFT is also being integrated into their practice by many coaches, healthcare workers, and healing arts professionals across the globe.

According to EFT master, Ann Adams, EFT tapping is a unique exercise that calms you so that you can think clearly about the problem. She came up with the 5 C’s of EFT. They are: calm, clarity, confidence, courage and choice.

When we are tapping, we are sending a calming signal to the amygdala, which is the fight/flight part of the brain.

After completing a few rounds of tapping, your body will feel more relaxed, and mind a lot calmer. You will start feeling happier, more energetic and focused on your goals.

EFT produces rapid relief for various physical and emotional ailments.  Every time you tap, you are rebooting your energy body, reprogramming your primitive brain and rewiring your nervous system for a better outcome.

The beauty of EFT lies in its simplicity. Even children can learn tapping and use it by themselves. EFT soothes the nervous system by interrupting our thought patterns, and helping us get unstuck.

The use of EFT with the differently abled population

I stumbled upon EFT in 2011 while researching the internet about an intervention for my son who is on the autism spectrum. I was so drawn to this amazing technique and after tapping for a few minutes, I felt this huge release as if a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders. I got hooked to tapping since then and it has changed my physical, mental and emotional health, relationships and the way I’m able to interact with my son.

When I’m approached by parents, if EFT can help with learning disabilities, autism or any other condition or rare disorders, my answer to them is “YES”. But, I always ask parents to start working on themselves first and then help their child. By asking the simple question, “How is my child’s disability affecting me, my emotions, and most important, the quality of my life?” can get you started on your journey into tapping. So, instead of adding EFT to the list of myriad of  interventions that we try  for our children, why not use tapping for ourselves first, since as parents and caregivers, when we come from a place of emotional stability, our children and our families in turn experience the benefits of healing. I use the analogy of an oxygen mask (in flights) to help people understand tapping. It is important that we wear the oxygen mask on ourselves first before we help our children. Since tapping has a ripple effect and has the ability to shift the field around us, your children may not even need to tap on themselves. Any parent or caregiver with a child with different abilities would definitely agree how these individuals are so sensitive to picking up the energy of others. Many individuals who are differently abled are very sensitive to touch, and in those scenarios, a parent or caregiver tapping on themselves (called surrogate tapping) will help the individual feel better.

Shift your energy with EFT

Tapping helps you to be in this present moment. Very often, we hear this saying,” your outer world is a reflection of your inner world”. Tapping helps you change your inner world, which in turn changes your outer world. Tapping helps you to be more intuitive, creative and come up with better solutions for yourself and others. Tapping on your everyday stresses and stressors helps you release them from your body. Use this profound technique, amp up your energy, be more present and show up in the world shining like a star.

I truly believe when we heal ourselves, we heal the planet. By shifting your thoughts, emotions and the stuck energy in your body, you will be opening yourself to all kinds of opportunities and possibilities in life.

EFT – A client based approach to healing

Whenever I teach a class or workshop, or when I’m done working with a client, they always say this has been a great learning and tapping experience. But, they also ask me if I could give them the exact words to tap for their problem, and I would see them getting ready to write it in their journal.

That is when I always tell them to use the basic recipe for any problem or issue that needs healing. For example, we start tapping on the side of the hand or karate chop, saying the set up statement three times. The set up statement goes like this: “Even though I have this problem (imagine this problem in a box), I accept myself.”

This problem can be replaced with this headache or worry about paying my bills or insomnia or any other issue that is bothering you in that moment.

Then, we go around the points, tapping and naming the problem. Just by doing this for 3 to 5 rounds can be very helpful in taking the edge off of the problem that you want to address using tapping. So, instead of getting too caught up on saying the words and statements correctly, you can just get started by voicing your problem and the emotions that go along with it. Even thinking about the problem (without saying the words) and tapping can also release the stuck emotional energy and provide some relief.

Why is EFT a client based approach?

When you work with an EFT Practitioner, they hold you in a healing space with an intention of helping you to find your core issues which is a key component in the healing process. Even with a practitioner facilitating the healing process, the client is always in charge, because your subconscious mind will always try to keep you safe and will never take you to a place that you are not ready to heal.

When a client makes breakthroughs during a session, it is only because the client has given them permission to get to that place through the power of tapping. To emphasize this point, I want to say that it is always true because the practitioner always uses the words of the client. They parrot phrase the client’s words and not paraphrase it at any moment.

I often hear from clients that they are not getting the same results when they work on their own. The difference is because, you are held in an energetic space by the practitioner where you are being heard without judgment and the tapping process is facilitated. So, you ultimately get out of your own way and be able to let tapping do the healing work for you.

The beauty of tapping is you don’t have to know anything when you start tapping. All you need to do is just trust the process and let the tapping lead you through the healing journey.

If you still feel that you are getting stuck with tapping, just write down all your emotions, feelings, and bodily sensations (if any), and really do some ranting, and a brain dump in a journal. After you are done doing that, just tap using the words that you have written in your journal or a   document on your computer. It also gives you an opportunity to go back and check the intensity of the issue after tapping a few rounds.

I invite you to consider the idea of just getting started with tapping with an intention of healing yourself at all levels.