Tapping to releasing the blocks to creativity

Karate chop:

Even though in this moment I feel all my creative resources are exhausted, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though at present I feel I have totally run out of ideas, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.

Even though I feel I didn’t take action soon enough, I choose to acknowledge and believe that I’m right where I need to be.


Start tapping at the eyebrow and move along the other points using the following tapping statements.

Where did all my creativity go

I had so many ideas that came to my mind

I wish I had jotted down those ideas and acted upon it sooner

Now I feel I’m at this place where nothing is coming to my mind

I’m trying to think if I’ll ever get there

All the voices in my head keep telling me, “If you are not creating something, you can never move forward”

I choose to acknowledge all the frustration that I feel right now

I choose to acknowledge all the fear that keeps me stuck from taking action

What if “I’m not creative” is just a thought that I have been thinking over and over and over again and now it has become a limiting belief

What if I can release this limiting belief that has got installed in me because of past failures and experiences

What if I’m really redirected to something better

What if I’m right where I need to be

What if this is just a period of hibernation and once I get over this phase I will be on my way to taking inspired action

What if acknowledging my feelings and my emotions is the first step to healing this block to creativity


What if I have forgotten to surrender to the Divine a power much greater than me

And what if by allowing the Divine to take the lead

I can finally get out of my own way

And I allow the inspiration and creativity to flow easily.

By acknowledging the resistance I have towards my creative flow, I create an opening for ideas to come into my awareness.

I give myself permission to embrace the idea that things are always changing

And, the blocks to my creativity can also change

I release anything and everything that stands between me and my creative flow.

I’m open to the idea that today is a new day and things can work out for me today

I’m also open to the idea that my past experiences do not have to determine what I create in the present moment.

Tapping script for feeling homesick

Karate Chop:

Even though I feel homesick I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel homesick and all alone, I choose to love and accept myself.

Even though being away from home makes me feel unsafe, I acknowledge who I am  and how I feel.

Even though my mind longs to seek the comfort of my home, I choose to see the comfort in what I have right and where I am right now.


Start tapping at the eye brow point and move along the other points using the following statements:

I feel so uncomfortable experiencing this every time.

I really miss everyone at home, the comfort of my room, sleeping in own bed, my friends and neighbors

Every time I call home, I feel terrible because they tell me how much they miss me

All of this is actually not helping me.

I know that it’s a matter of time, and I need to give myself some time to make this transition smooth and easy

How would things be if I don’t have to go through these feelings of homesickness?

Wouldn’t it be nice if I can release this tension, stress, and  nervous energy?

Wouldn’t it be nice to not feel depressed and uncomfortable in this new environment?

I choose to acknowledge all the fear, worry and anxiety that I have right now.

It feels like this is going to continue forever and I won’t be able to get over this.

It is just a matter of time and I choose to believe that it  is going to get better.

What if I can learn to be more present and find the peace and calm in this moment

What if I can utilize this time to get to know myself more

What if this fear and anxiety is a childhood pattern that is repeating now when I was always afraid that I will be abandoned

What if with time I’m going to like, love and enjoy this new environment

What if I can slowly and steadily learn to know this place, the people and the surroundings

And what if I can find something totally fun for me to do while I’m here.

What if by letting go of the stress I begin to connect with the beauty that is all around me and

What if I can practice more gratitude and quite contemplation as I have all this time now

What if I can spend some extra time and finish my projects on time

What if I can use this time to create something new and exciting

What if I’m totally safe right here and now

I choose to let the little child in me know that she is safe, because I have her back.

Tapping script for a stay at home mom

Karate Chop:

Even though I’m after all just a mom, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though being just a mom doesn’t mean anything to me or my family, I choose to accept myself.

Even though I don’t feel enough being a mom, and acceptance becomes very hard, I choose to be open to accepting myself someday.

Even though I’m so tired and frustrated of people asking me what do  you do, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.


Start tapping at the eye brow and move along the other points using the following statements:

I’m after all a mom; I’m only a mom; I’m just a mom

And that makes me feel not so good enough

I feel I need to be doing something apart from being a mom so that I can feel good enough

But, who says I have to be doing something else than just being a mom

Do they mean having a career, a job, I mean a real job earning money

Then, I can feel good enough

May be it’s their description of feeling good enough

But, how do I make them understand that I have a full time job

In fact I work all 365 days of the year with no pay or time off from work

Okay, let me take a step back and tune into my body

Do I feel constricted when I think I’m just a mom

Or, do I feel so expansive and open when I say I’m a mom

What do I think and feel?

How do I feel right now in my body?

Is this an old familiar feeling that I’m replaying over and over and over again?

Whose voice is telling me, “You know, you should be doing something else other than being a mom, or you should know how to balance your home and work”?

Or, is this my own inner critic, the bully that is telling me, “ You know, there’s got be more than just being a mom”

I see myself getting caught in these voices and thoughts over and over and over again.

I feel so powerless, insecure and inadequate during those moments

I acknowledge all my feelings and the accompanying emotions and bodily sensations right now.

I give myself permission to take an inventory of all that I do during the day for the family

And I give myself appreciation and applause for each and every activity that I do

I also give myself permission to look at all the things that are going well in my life right now.

I choose to acknowledge the value and strength in me even if I’m only a mom.

I call upon the greatness, wisdom and power within me and give myself permission to be a mom and a good enough person.

As much as it is hard for me to accept where I’m right now, I’m willing to tap on not being able to accept this part of me

I choose to tap on all the conscious and unconscious resistance that I have being a mom

Who would I be if I accept the non-accepting part of me

Who would I be if I release all the resistance to shifting this energy

Every time I feel that “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be good enough”. I choose to tap saying the same statements

As I give my emotions a voice while tapping, I dissipate and soften the charge on that feeling.

And, when I do that I make space for the good enough feelings to enter my mind, body, spirit and energy field.

Five reasons for you to start tapping

If you are new to tapping or if you are someone who has been introduced to tapping, got motivated to tap and couldn’t continue as a daily practice, here are five compelling reasons for you to get back to tapping:

1) No matter where you are in your life, tapping gives a jumpstart and helps you move forward by releasing the stuck energy in your body.

2) Tapping provides relief from physical discomfort like the tightness in neck and shoulders, back pain, stiffness in your muscles and heaviness in your head, etc. We tend to hold on to stress in our body and tapping is a great way to release the stress we experience in our daily lives.

3) Tapping improves your overall vibration, while bringing some valuable insights, ideas and thoughts which are ways our subconscious mind giving clues, guiding us where to go next in our tapping journey. An event or a memory that pops in mind becomes your next tapping target.

4) As you start freeing yourself from the burden of bothersome memories and events in your life, you achieve emotional fitness by releasing all those negative feelings that do not serve you in any way.

5) Every time you tap and say the acceptance statement, which is a very powerful piece in your healing journey, you start showing up for yourself and others as a better version, because tapping helps you reinvent yourself and get in touch with those parts of your personality that you haven’t explored before.

Whenever I have introduced tapping to a group or an individual, one of the first things that they report to me is feeling very relaxed, The next thing they share is the optimism they feel right away that tapping can provide some relief for their issue, whether it is physical, mental or emotional.

So, what are you waiting for? Get unstuck, release being a prisoner of the past and become a pioneer of the future. Return to flow by getting into a tapping practice every day.

Tapping for handling unexpected situations

KC: Even though I get irritated, frustrated, and agitated when something unexpected happens, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I get annoyed when things do not stay the same, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel
Even though I know that things change all the time and there may be unexpected things, still a part of me resists change. I choose to accept this part of me that resists change.
Round 1
EB: All this irritation and frustration
SE: All this agitation and stress
UE: I wonder if I can really accept change
UN: That would be very hard for me
C: I want things to be the same
CB: If something changes that throws me off
UA: And that triggers a lot of anger and frustration in me
TH: I accept all of my emotions and I’m willing to look at change in a different way.

Round 2
EB: Change helps me to be more spontaneous
SE: Change helps me to solve problems
UE: Change helps me get out of my comfort zone
UN: Change helps me to regulate my emotions
C: Change helps me to make decisions
CB: What if change could really be a good thing for me?
UA: Wouldn’t it be nice if I can stay calm and confident when there is an unexpected change?
TH: Wouldn’t it be nice if I can accept change with a smile?

Round 3
EB: Even though I understand very well
SE: That life is full of changes
UE: It still bothers me when I actually face an unexpected change
UN: I’m so used to getting upset
C: That it has almost become a habit for me
CB: But, habits can be broken and habits can be changed
UA: I’m willing to replace this habit of getting upset
TH: with the habit of feeling calm

KC: Even though when something unexpected happens and I get stressed out and I take all the stress on my mom/friend/spouse, I am still a very loving person.
Even though when there is a change, and I take all the stress on my mom, by yelling at her sometimes, I am still a very loving person. I respect mom for who she is and how she handles me.
Even though I take all my stress on my mom, I choose to accept my emotions, and I forgive myself for feeling this way.
EB: All the choices I make when I get upset
SE: I have conditioned myself to react this way
UE: I choose to release all these emotions stuck in my body
UN: I’m open to moving all the energy stuck in my body
C: As I move the energy and release all the stress from my body
CB: I make space for more joy, peace, and happiness
UA: I am open to staying calm and confident and accept change
TH: I’m open to feeling more joy, peace and happiness.