EFT Tapping to practice Gratitude

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. – Eckhart Tolle

Thank you is the best prayer anyone could say. I say that a lot. Thank you expresses extreme humility, gratitude and understanding. – Alice Walker

Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. – Oprah Winfrey

This week I choose to write about how we can integrate our gratitude practice with tapping. I’m always asked what to tap on if someone feels that they don’t have any issues or problems.

There is a lot of research on how practicing gratitude can help us improve our physical, mental, and emotional health. Gratitude is also the doorway that can lead us to infinite possibilities. Combining tapping with gratitude statements can help you super charge your affirmations and intentions.

You can write down a few things that you are grateful for and begin tapping starting at the eyebrow point. You don’t need to begin tapping with the “Even though” phrase.

Let’s say that you have some unconscious resistance to use tapping to say your gratitude statements. You can begin tapping on the karate chop point by saying, “Even though I don’t feel like tapping in order to voice my gratitude, I accept myself”

In fact, you can even begin tapping by voicing any conscious or unconscious resistance to clearing any issue that you want to work on to experience some relief.

Here is a video for you if need some more ideas on gratitude tapping:

To wrap up this newsletter, I choose to share ten things I like about this season. I’m very grateful for these things and I give myself permission to tap on them.

Ten things I like about this season:

  1. The changing color of leaves
  2. The warmth of my winter clothing
  3. Drinking hot chocolate or caramel latte in the local coffee shops
  4. Enjoying the holiday lights as we drive at night
  5. The humungous Christmas trees at the malls
  6. Holiday choir, recitals, and band concerts
  7. Listening to Christmas songs on the radio
  8. Shopping for different varieties of chocolates at stores.
  9. The spirit of giving, hope, peace, joy, and harmony
  10. The smell of pine cones, baking, and poinsettias.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


EFT Tapping to address Worry

If you can’t sleep then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It is the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.– Dale Carnegie

Whatever is going to happen will happen whether we worry or not.– Ana Monnar

Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.

This week I choose to write about worry as I watched a short video that focused on how holding on to the worry and stress for a long time can make us feel paralyzed.

All of us know this at an intellectual level and we really try our best not to worry and imagine or envision a positive outcome. But, how do we stop worrying and stressing out is a big question every individual is trying to answer especially when they are facing difficulties and hardships.

Worrying is part of the human condition. The only way that I know which helps me to stop worrying is through surrendering to a force that is much greater than me. (You can call it God, Spirit, Divine, Universe or Consciousness).

As I get older I realize this more and more with each passing day. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to start this process of surrendering early on in our life.

In the last ten years, since I began tapping, I have come to realize that giving myself permission to process the emotions and be fully present with them, also makes praying and surrendering a lot easier. I’m able to get out of my own way, without getting caught up in the how’s of an outcome. A few of my clients have also shared similar experiences.

The human mind will always think that I will stop worrying when I know that the outcome will be positive. It also circles back to the idea that by letting go off the worry, we can become functional and achieve the desired outcome.

I encourage you to use tapping to aid you in the process of “Stop worrying and Start living.”

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


Using EFT tapping to release weight

I was recently talking to a very close relative and a well-wisher and during our conversation, she mentioned “Out of sight, out of mind!” which was a gentle reminder for me to nurture my subscribers.

The application of EFT for weight issues is far-reaching and often complex. EFT can reduce immediate food cravings; EFT can target and eliminate negative or distorted body images; EFT can neutralize issues from the past that have led to overeating; and EFT can be used to target future situations that might trigger a relapse.– Dr. Peta Stapleton from the book “The Science behind Tapping”

As you begin shedding old stuck emotions, negative beliefs and the dramas of reenactment, your ability to manifest health, success and creative self-expression will progressively increase. In other words, life is going to get a lot better for you.– Rob Nelson, from the book “Hacking Reality”

This week I choose to write about how EFT tapping can be used to release weight. This is backed by scientific research by pioneers in this field like Dr. Dawson Church and Dr. Peta Stapleton.

Stress releases a hormone called cortisol, which stores fat in the body. So, it is always a great idea to begin our weight release journey by addressing our stress, so that we can lower cortisol. Using a tool like tapping can help us to regulate the stress levels which can have a profound and positive influence on releasing weight.

When there is less stress, managing our weight by making healthy food choices, and lifestyle changes becomes easy and effortless. Tapping also helps us to process the emotions and triggers that are buried deep within us in a safe manner.

In order to help you in releasing weight, I have created 21 videos recently. You can access all the videos in my YouTube channel. Here’s the first video for you:


Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


When same patterns repeat in our lives

I haven’t written a newsletter article for the past few months now. As someone who has always struggled to take consistent action, writing this article was a gentle reminder for me to take action from a place of inspiration and not through pushing.

In this article, I choose to write about when same patterns repeat in our lives. Hope you find this useful and interesting.

Patterns of life keep repeating until you learn the specific lesson. – Vandana Sharma

Understanding of life begins with the understanding of patterns

I was talking to my friend and accountability buddy last month and during our conversation she mentioned that she is just not able to accept herself because of her dyslexia. My friend, who is a brilliant design engineer, very organized and hard- working, said that sometimes she feels very stuck because she misspelled a word or searching for words during a conversation.

During a session when clients share such experiences, we always ask if there was a time in their life when they experienced similar feelings. In my friend’s case, she mentioned that when she was in Middle School, she had an English Teacher who got very mad at her every time she made any mistakes in reading and writing. This in turn lead her to believe that she is worthless, not lovable, and not good enough. Even though each of these phrases can represent different limiting beliefs, energetically all of them mean the same. In my friend’s case, she was always intimidated of authority figures and also had a fear of getting attacked both verbally and physically because of this experience.

Even though we may not even remember events that happened a very long time ago, these memories can be held in our subconscious mind and can get activated during stressful times.

When these memories have been not been processed, as adults we may be leading a normal life without even having the awareness that these limiting beliefs are keeping us stuck in many areas of our life.

In real time, we may end up meeting people who may be very similar to my friend’s English teacher. This person can be your spouse, partner, neighbor, boss, co-worker or anyone else. You can actually get really triggered and activated by this person and you may be wondering why you feel out of control when you are around this person. It is because your subconscious mind is thinking that the event is happening in real time (it is actually thinking that you are in Middle school in your English Class)

When these events and memories are addressed using a tool like tapping, we are able to discharge the emotional intensity, and break free from these repetitive patterns that show up in our life, as we are energetically unhooking from these memories and patterns.

When clients want to work on an issue, most of the time, the problem that we are tapping on is actually not the problem. The issue has its roots from the past and when we address these core issues, the client experiences emotional freedom. It can also change the way they show up in the world.

Until next time, keep tapping!

Sending all of you much love, light and healing energy!


EFT Tapping to find lost items

I recently lost my notebook in which I had written some EFT notes from several workshops. I consider these notes very valuable and I used to refer to them from time to time. I realized it has been a while since I referred to this notebook. So, I decided to go over the notes once again  to refresh my memory.

As someone who has always struggled with being organized and also remembering to keep things in their respective places, I recognize that I have come a long way in this journey and I’m a work in progress.

When I looked for the notebook in my desk among other notebooks, I couldn’t find it. I got a bit upset, then frustrated that I couldn’t find it. I felt very bad about myself and before I knew, I felt hijacked by all sorts of emotions.

I began frantically searching for the notebook and I couldn’t focus on anything else till I found the notebook.

Here’s a tapping script I used to find the notebook:

Even though I’m really ashamed and embarrassed about myself for misplacing the notebook, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I feel very guilty for not valuing this notebook, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.

Even though I don’t take anything seriously, I choose to accept myself with all my flaws.

All these feelings of shame and embarrassment in my body

I wonder where I felt this shame and embarrassed feelings before

I will never be able to forgive myself if I don’t find that notebook

I will never be okay if I lose this valuable treasure

I’m frustrated with myself because I’m so disorganized

I will never be able to accept myself if I don’t find that notebook

I can’t believe that the same pattern is showing up in my life once again

I’m really sick, tired, and exhausted of looking for lost and misplaced items

As I tuned into the emotion of shame and embarrassment, I was immediately taken back to an event during my elementary school. So, I began tapping on the event. ( I haven’t shared the exact details of the event, for my privacy. I was more specific when I tapped on the memory.)

Even though I have this event still stuck in my mind and body, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I still have this event lingering within me, I choose to acknowledge who I am and how I feel.

Even though there is a part of me that still wants to hold on to this event and there is a part of me that wants to let it go, I choose to accept both parts of me.

All this shame and embarrassment that I experienced when I was in elementary school

I learned a long time ago that I’m not good enough and I’m not smart enough

I really feel like a loser when I think about this event

I really wish I had the courage and confidence to defend myself

I feel helpless, hopeless, and powerless when I think about this event

I feel speechless when tune into this memory

I wish I had taken things seriously back then and even now

I wish I was perfect like everyone else and not so flawed

I stopped searching for the notebook for some time. Then, I decided to give my emotions a voice and continued to tap.

Even though I’m unable to find this notebook, I choose to acknowledge all my feelings right now.

Even though I’m clueless as to where to look for the notebook, I choose to accept myself.

Even though I have all the other notebooks and this one alone is missing, I’m open to the possibility of finding it soon.

I’m clueless

I don’t even know where to look for the notebook

I have looked for the notebook in all possible places

And, I feel like giving up on searching for this anymore

Where did I put this one, maybe in a special safe place

But, I don’t remember anything right now

How can it disappear or magically vanish?

I wonder if I will ever be able to find the notebook again

I set an intention right here right now to find the notebook

I ask the Universe to guide me to the place where I put the notebook

After tapping on the above statements, I continued to search and within five minutes, I found the notebook in a black bag in another room.

Here’s a video I created a few months back on the same topic:


This blog post and tapping script will give you an idea of how tapping on the events can help us move forward by releasing the stuck energy. As I was reading all the tapping statements, I really wondered if I would have been able to find the notebook without tapping on the memory from school. Maybe or maybe not?

But, in my case tapping on the shame and embarrassing feelings took me back to my elementary school and so I was lead to tap on this memory which also helped me to process these emotions.

Everything is energy and emotion is energy in motion. When we move this energy, we are able to shift to a better feeling place.