We are on our own unique journey!

Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. – Umang Gupta

Success is a journey; not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome. – Arthur Ashe

This week I choose to write about a fun filled afternoon I had at a virtual birthday party celebration last week. I had the privilege of creating this beautiful Batik painting along with my friends. The lady who walked us through this activity, gave us the following instructions, which I thought was very profound.

  1. Accept yourself when you make mistakes while you work on the painting.
  2. Take a few deep breaths, stay calm, and express yourself.
  3. And, finally don’t compare your work with the others in the group.

It felt like she gave all of us the essentials of life, through her simple language, and calm presence. It was a Zen experience and I felt totally aligned with what she shared, because these are aspects that come up while tapping on myself and with clients.

While all of our work turned out to be very beautiful and unique, I’m sure some (including myself) of them, must have felt that they could have done better.

To summarize, all of us are on our own unique journey, and we express ourselves in ways that is so personal to us.

It is not the destination that matters, everything is in the journey-where our soul gets to learn and experience what it is meant to.

This painting was a representation of our self expression, loving and accepting ourselves with all our strengths and challenges.

No matter where we are in our journey, we can appreciate what is unfolding in front of us and recognize that this is my unique journey!

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


What do people see in you?

This week, I’m called to write about this topic, “What do people see in you?” In the last four years, I had the opportunity to network with several groups, and individuals on a regular basis. Every time, I talked to people, and share about the work I do, I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Networking helped me build friendships and relationships with like-minded individuals. Above all, networking helped me understand that everyone speaks the same language and faced with similar challenges in terms of growing their business. I had the privilege of listening to some wonderful speakers at these networking events, and I learned something from all of them.

I would like to share my experience listening to Lynn Kirkham from “Yes, You can Speak!”. During her mini workshop presentation, she walked us through the following exercise:

  1. Each one of us were given a small pouch with small heart shaped papers in the pouch. On one of the hearts, Lynn had written “You are enough”.
  2. We were asked to go around the room and pick a few people, look them in their eyes for a few seconds to a minute and write a word or two about what we see in them.
  3. After we write the word, we were asked to drop the paper in the person’s pouch, without them looking at what is written on the hearts, and move on to the next person.
  4. It was a very powerful exercise and it was quite interesting to see the words that were written about each other, as we went around sharing them at the end.
  5. In conclusion, Lynn’s message was “This is what people see in you”.

Image with cut out colored hearts

So, the next time our inner critic begins to bully us by saying hurtful things, we can begin to acknowledge the best within us and consider the possibility of all the good things that people can see in us.

This can change the way we think about ourselves and how we show up in the world.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


Using Affirmations in the Process of Tapping

It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. – Muhammed Ali

Affirmations are powerful seeds of intent directed at one’s higher self with the ability to change the course of one’s life in quite extraordinary and exciting ways. – D. Cunnliffe

This week I choose to write about using affirmations along with tapping. Tapping helps us turbo charge our affirmations, as we begin to anchor these statements in our nervous system and strengthen the neural connections. It is also important to notice the blocks, or the voices in our head, the yeah… but… that we hear all the time which can be a major block to reaching our goal or setting an intention.

The idea of this blog is to encourage you to use affirmations and believe in the power of positive thinking, but in a mindful way. If you have been affirming something for quite some time and if you still feel you are having some difficulties in reaching your goal or taking action steps towards your goal, it is quite possible you have some subconscious reasons for not getting there. Having the awareness and recognizing that there may be a block, lets us be kind to ourselves as we begin to work our way towards achieving our goals.

Tapping makes the process a lot easier as we are led to the clues when we begin tapping. The next time you say an affirmation, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How possible it is for me to achieve this goal or affirmation?
  2. Am I really aligned with achieving this goal or affirmation?
  3. Do I believe this affirmation 100 percent?
  4. Do I really want this in my life?
  5. How important it is for me to achieve this goal?

Asking ourselves these questions help us come up with some answers and all those become targets for tapping.

Once you choose the target of tapping,

  1. Acknowledge and accept the problem
  2. Release and let go
  3. Bring the affirmation or the intention

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


Inviting the Divine or the Higher Self in the Process of Healing

Your higher self is always nudging you toward a resolution of the conflicts that you experience in your life, so that you will have room for serenity and harmony. – Wayne Dyer

There is always a way when the Divine is involved.

This week I choose to write about the process of healing during a session with a client. As part of my training and receiving mentorship through the certification process, I was always told that when a client has a breakthrough during a session, it is because of their subconscious mind leading them to the clues so that they can heal and transform in the process.  As a practitioner, I’m only a facilitator asking the right questions and making sure that the client feels safe at all times. The client is always in charge of the healing process, as tapping is a very client-centered approach.

When a client experiences a breakthrough, I would always attribute the success to tapping as it works its magic through the client. When big ‘aha’ moments and breakthroughs do not happen in a session, I take 100 percent responsibility as a facilitator and go back to reviewing my notes to understand if I could have served the client in a better way.

As a facilitator, I begin the sessions with deep listening, establish a goal for the session, tap along as I parrot phrase the client’s words, with the sole intention of helping the client feel better at the end of the session.

Over the last few years, I had the privilege of serving clients from different cultures, and religious beliefs. I have learned to be very mindful of giving reframes, making sure I respect the beliefs and sentiments of the clients.

Growing up in a family where Divine order and Divine timing was always a centerpiece of our conversations, I do share with some of my clients to consider the possibility of the presence of another invisible source, a force of love, God, the Universal Consciousness or the Higher Self during sessions. This helps the practitioner and the client get out of our own ways. It also lets us to be open to the idea of being guided and directed by unseen forces as we tap, leading to the transformational process of healing. From that place of a shift in energy, setting intentions, taking action, and having a positive outlook becomes easy and effortless.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


The Universe listens to our vibration!

I move through my days light heartedly and carefree knowing all is well. – Deepak Chopra

As we are in the last week of 2020, honoring our lives and breath and celebrating our life on planet earth in spite of Covid-19, here are some closing thoughts to contemplate as we step into 2021:

Meeting ourselves where we are and knowing that we live in a benevolent and supporting Universe.

Taking the time to appreciate the beauty and good within us is very important as we continue to grow, evolve and transform in this journey.

Our thoughts and emotions carry an energy and vibration, and developing an awareness of where we are on the emotional scale helps us to begin our healing journey.

The Universe listens to our vibration and responds accordingly. Remembering to use the tools in our tool box help us shift the vibration and connect with the field of infinite possibilities.

Letting go and trusting the Universe is a process and every time we doubt if things are happening for our highest good, embracing the human part of us, will help us move forward.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!
