I haven’t written a blog post for a long time now. My friend and accountability partner who always holds the space for me encouraged me to take my time to do my homework.
During the last few months, I felt pulled towards all directions, and now that I have fulfilled some of the commitments that I made, I noticed that I continue to feel restless and unsettled. As a tapper who taps regularly, I’m always conscious of where I’m emotionally and address the emotions that surface using tapping on a daily basis.
As I continue to practice tapping in my own life, I realized that no matter how much I work on myself, I have those days when I’m taken over by fear, terror, stress and overwhelm from time to time. During those trying and difficult moments, I do this process called “mental noting” an idea introduced by my mentor. I share the emotions that I experience with my family and friends.
Our body is our unconscious mind. When I’m emotionally hijacked I experience some difficult sensations and discomfort in my body. As I begin to soothe my nervous system through tapping and by giving my emotions and my bodily sensations a voice, I begin my journey into healing.
As simple as it may sound, sometimes even after tapping for a long time, we may not experience a relief or we feel stuck in the same place without any movement. I was also in that place a few weeks back and it has been quite a journey to get myself to a better feeling place.
If you are a parent or a caregiver to someone, and if you have been telling yourself that you have to stay strong, be brave, bold, and fearless, I encourage you to give yourself permission to acknowledge your deep fears and terrorizing thoughts through tapping.
Even after doing several rounds of tapping, I didn’t experience any shifts, my inner critic was screaming out loud ,” You got to be able to clear this; you have been doing this for a long time; you should know what you are doing; who do you think you are to be doing this work and sharing it with others; look at you, you brought this on to yourself” and it went on and on.
My inner child was the one who was in fear, and panic. The child in me wanted to cry and express how powerless, hopeless, and weak she felt in her mind, and body. The little girl in me really needed the time to process her emotions. She needed to feel safe, secure and be reassured that everything is going to be alright. Things are going to be okay soon. And, she needed to hear this from her family, friends and her mentor in different ways.
If you have been tapping on an issue and do not experience any shifts, I encourage you to be gentle, patient, and kind with yourself as you go through your healing journey. After tapping for nine years, I understand that everything that is showing up in our life and our consciousness is meant for our own healing and relief.
Scientists believe that our brains have these built- in circuits for negativity bias. According to Dr. Rick Hanson, “The brain is like a Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.” When you decide that tapping is not working or going to help you with an issue, it is a good idea to remember the times when you got relief using tapping. That will encourage you to continue to work on yourself, just like it encouraged me to work on myself. Transformation, change and healing is a continuous process. Sometimes, the shifts are so subtle that they can easily go unnoticed. We cannot expect the shifts to go from a 10 to a Zero, every time we tap for a few minutes.
Wishing you peace and hope in your healing journey!