Tapping script for Diabetes

The following script is not a replacement for any medical treatment. Please continue to do whatever you are doing right now, like medications, insulin shots, supplements, herbs, eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, etc. Along with that, you can always add tapping to your routine.

Karate Chop: Even though I have diabetes, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have diabetes, and I’m worried about my health and well being, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though my blood sugar levels are elevated, and that makes me exhausted mentally and physically, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel.
Even though my blood sugar levels are really high, I choose to relax, stay calm and I am willing to tap to maintain normal levels.
Eyebrow: All these elevated blood sugar levels
Side of the eye: This diabetes
Under the eye: I’m afraid and worried if I can maintain good health
Under the nose: Because of this diabetes
Under the chin: My pancreas is exhausted
Collar bone: My energy levels are low and my immune system is weak
Under the arm: I accept and honor all my emotions that are in some way related to diabetes
Top of the head: I wonder what programs, thoughts and beliefs made me manifest this diabetes.

Eyebrow: Maybe I inherited diabetes from my mom
Side of the eye: Maybe I inherited diabetes from my dad
Under the eye: Maybe it is my lifestyle
Under the nose: I choose to thank my body for supporting me all these years
Chin: I send love, light and healing energy to my pancreas for producing insulin
Collar bone: I send love, light and healing to every cell in my body
Under the arm: I send love, light and healing energy to all the blood corpuscles in my body
Top of the head: I thank my body and immune system for protecting me from illnesses, wounds, and stress.

Eyebrow: A part of me says that I’m stuck with diabetes for the rest of my life
Side of the eye: A part of me says that I can reverse diabetes
Under the eye: Choosing to accept both parts of me
Under the nose: I send healing energy to all my organs
Chin: Releasing any resistance to insulin
Collarbone: Releasing any resistance to healing
Under the arm: Healing at all levels and releasing any inflammation in the body
Top of the head: Regulating blood circulation to all the organs in my body.

Eyebrow: Releasing all the excess glucose in my blood.
Side of the eye: Releasing all the stress from my mind and body
Under the eye: I choose to eat healthy,exercise and take good care of myself
Under the nose: Every time I tap, I release any toxins in my body
Chin: Every time I breathe, the oxygen heals my gut and my immune system
Collar bone: Regaining all the strength and energy in my body and my mind
Under the arm: I am open to new possibilities of health and well being
Top of the head: I surrender and let go of any physical, mental and emotional stress.

Key points about EFT

1.EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques also called as EFT tapping. It is a simple mind body technique to release stress from the body’s energy system.
2. All of us have a physical body and an energy body. In EFT we focus on clearing the blocks in the energy body by tapping on the end points of the meridians.
3.EFT uses the same points in acupuncture but without the needles. Instead, we use our fingers to tap on the same points.
4. EFT is based on the theory that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.
5. While tapping, we are sending a calming signal to the amygdala(fight or flight/smoke detector) in the brain, so we are able to relax inspite of the stress.
6.We are dealing with an ancient part of the brain during stress. During the period of our ancestors, when they were chased by a saber-toothed tiger or a bear, this part of the brain helped them survive.
7. But, in modern times, we experience this stress all the time. Examples are: stress at work, argument with spouse, stress that children are not performing well at school.
8. The good news is through tapping we can turn off the fight or flight part of the brain.
9. We are able to switch from a survival mode (perceiving danger or threat) to safety mode.
10. EFT can be tried on anything and everything. Examples are: simple cold and cough to major auto immune disorders to improving your self confidence and performance issues.
11.Lot of times, it is very hard for people to believe the benefits of EFT because it is so simple.
12.EFT is a quick and easy way to reprogram our subconscious mind.
13.Anyone who uses EFT on a regular basis have reported excellent results in terms of their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.
14.Several scientific studies have been conducted and published reporting the efficacy of EFT. The results are so stunning showing reduced cortisol levels(master stress hormone) and increased levels of DHEA after tapping.
15. EFT has been used successfully to treat with Vietnam war veterans suffering from PTSD. EFT has also been efficiently used for any type of trauma, disease or disorder.
16. Tapping is yet another tool to take you from where you are to where you want to be, as it helps us release the blocks in our subconscious mind.
17. This can be very well explained with goal setting. When we set a goal and we are unable to achieve it, part of the reason is because of the unconscious mental blocks that prevents us from achieving the goal. Or else, we would have been there already.

Tapping script for Fear

Karate Chop:
Even though I have a lot of fear, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have been carrying a lot of fear since childhood I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I ‘m always living in the fear of the unknown, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m always in a state of fight or flight, I choose to feel safe right here right now.
Even though I learned to be in fear a long time ago, I choose to acknowledge that is then and this is now.

Feel free to move through the points and tap along using the following statements:

My nervous system is wired for unsafety and threat and I’m always hypervigilant scanning my environment for danger.
I have to be on guard all the time to protect myself and the people around me
Sometimes, I tend to absorb the nervous energy of others and get even more fearful
I acknowledge all my fears and the fears of everyone around me
I don’t feel safe when I think about all that is going on around me in this world.
I’m afraid I’m unable to connect with myself or anybody because of all this fear in me
How can I lead a calm and peaceful life with all the fears running through my body?
I don’t know who to trust and not trust at this time
This feeling of unsafety keeps my energy stuck and I feel so constricted in my body
I feel so constricted in my mind; I’m unable to think and function
There is so much fear in every cell of my body that I’m unable to enjoy and appreciate all that is around me
I’m trying really hard to be positive and pretend that I’m not afraid; but I’m really afraid each and every moment
What if I can choose a new thought instead of fear; I’m really trying but it’s not so easy
Moving from a state of fear to a state of not having fear at all is a huge leap for me
I don’t think I can do that; but I’m willing to tap and let myself free of the fear by acknowledging and embracing the fears in me
By just acknowledging and being present with my fears lets the fears move through me.
I give myself permission to feel the fear and give my fears a voice because I was told not to be afraid and it’s not okay to have fears.
As I continue to tap, soothe and calm my nervous system, the fears start to dissipate and give me space and energy to think clearly.
When I start thinking clearly, I can understand how and in what ways this fear is serving me.

Some ideas on tapping for fear

Who would I be if I let go of this fear?
Where did I learn this fear?
What experiences in my life taught me to be fearful of this situation?
Name the fear
Give it a number on a scale of 0-10
Do three rounds of global tapping naming the fear
Can you think of any specific events, or memories related to the fear
Write them down and tap on each one of them
If you are afraid to think about the fear, put the fear in a box and lock it.
And tap on the fear of looking or facing the fear.
This will help you bring the numbers down.
When the numbers are between 0 to 3, you can open the box and tap on the fear.
Do several rounds of tapping naming the fear.
When you remember a specific event or memory, tap on it.
Tap on what you see, smell, taste, hear and felt during the experience.
When you are done, go back and tune into the fear and see if you still have it.

Tapping Script for parents

KC: Even though my child /little one is giving me a hard time, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
Even though my son/daughter is not listening to me and I’m constantly in state of battle with him/her, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I’m really getting stressed out and anxious when I think about my child and his tantrums, I choose to accept who I am and how I feel about my child.
EB: All this stress that I have about my child/son/daughter
SE: I wonder what this is all about
UE: I wonder if there is a way for me to change this
UN: But, how can I change something that is not in my control?
C: How can I take responsibility for my child’s behaviors?
CB: It is not my fault that my child is acting up
UA: I feel like all my energy is drained struggling with his moods all day long
TH: I’m exhausted and tired

EB: It is hard for me to accept my child for who he is
SE: I want him to be a certain way and when he is not like how I want him to be
UE: I get so upset and mad at him
UN: And, that’s making me feel powerless
C: I want to be in control and I want to be in charge of everything
CB: What if I could accept my child for who he is
UA: What if I could accept myself for who I am
TH: What if I could accept my emotions as they are

EB: Accepting him doesn’t mean that I approve everything he does
SE: What if accepting him can begin to start shifting things for both of us
UE: What if accepting us and our emotions can move us to a better and a harmonious relationship
UN: What if things start to calm down and get better with acceptance
C: What if I can move from feeling powerless and weak to feeling empowered and strong.
CB: That would be great! That would be the best thing that can ever happen to me!
UA: I love knowing that I have the power to change my life by changing my thoughts and my energy
TH: I love knowing that there is always hope for a smooth and successful relationship.

Tapping script for insomnia

KC: Even though I’m unable to sleep in the night, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I find it hard to believe that I can go to sleep, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Even though I got used to being up all night, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have a very disturbed sleep, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though a part of me wants to sleep and a part of me wants to be awake and be guarding my thoughts, I choose to accept both parts of me

EB: Difficulty falling asleep
SE: Feeling very tired and exhausted
UE: Feeling really bored being awake all night
UN: So many thoughts come to my mind and I feel very distracted
C: Wouldn’t it be nice to store all my thoughts in a storage just during the night
CB: Wouldn’t it be nice to get an uninterrupted sleep
UA: What if I could choose to relax and feel safe even if I’m awake all through the night
TH: I give myself permission to sleep right now. I deserve a goodnight sleep

EB: Letting go of all the stress that is stuck in my body
SE: Releasing all thoughts of discomfort
UE: Choosing to believe that I can sleep through the night
UN: As I toss and turn all through the night
C: I give my body and mind permission to stay calm and peaceful
CB: I thank my bed for giving me the comfort of stretching and resting my body
UA: I let my thoughts, worries and anxiety slowly drift away
TH: I release all the tension and resistance in my body and mind to fall asleep. I deserve a goodnight sleep

EB: I’m grateful for a wonderful day
SE: I’m grateful for all the good and blessings in my life
UE: I’m grateful for being able to put my worries, fears and stressors away for now
UN: I’m grateful for all the choices I have in my life
C: I’m grateful for my good health and balance in my life
CB: I’m grateful for getting all the work done at home and at work today
UA: I’m grateful for all the wonderful relationships in my life.
TH: I’m grateful for letting go of my worries, fears and stressors ;I deserve a goodnight sleep