EFT Tapping to Heal the Inner Child

Your inner child still needs to be loved in order to heal the complete self. – Karen A. Baquiran

Within us, all is a radiant inner child bathed in joy. – Amy Leigh Mercree

I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery. – John Bradshaw

This week I choose to write about why it is important to heal the inner child and how EFT can help you heal the inner child.

The inner child can show up in our day today lives as abandoned, threatened, intimidated, rejected, powerless, helpless, and hopeless at times depending on the trigger that initiates this response in someone.

This is an experience that almost every client reports during a session.

As you are reading this, you may even wonder that a child does not know, speak, or understand this type of language. But, a child can absorb the energy from the people in the environment even though they are not able to label their emotions and feelings at a very young age.

I have also heard clients tell me that they had a very happy childhood and even in those cases, the wounded child can be easily identified by the way they describe their problem and how they process it.

I always ask them the following questions:

What does this remind you of?

Who told you this?

How old do you feel when you tune into your body or the emotion?

This can take you all the way back to when you were in your mother’s womb or when you were an infant. An event or single experience, someone’s loud voice, the look on their face, a word or phrase heard  can send a very strong message to the child.

There are two parts to healing the inner child: identifying the experience/memory/event which carries the emotional charge, and understanding the impact this experience has on the individual.

The impact will be more focused on what they decided about themselves or the world as a child. These limiting beliefs become the foundation of who they are and how they show up in the world.

As we learn, grow, and evolve, we also develop strategies and coping mechanisms to deal with the emotions which are unconscious. Tapping helps us bring the unconscious to the conscious in a very safe manner, so that we can finally heal and shift the energy that may have been blocking us from being the best version of ourselves. We begin to experience a shift in perspective towards life, and the world.

Healing the wounded child helps us have love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves, with all our strengths and flaws. When self love, self acceptance and self compassion becomes effortless, we are able to extend the same to the people in our lives and the world. It all begins with us.

The next time you feel activated and experience any of the above feelings consider the possibility that the child in you needs some attention. You can reparent the inner child by offering the safety, security, and resources through tapping and integrating this part into every cell of your body.

Stay tuned for a group tapping program in November!

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


EFT Tapping for Fear of Flying and Surrogate Tapping

This week I choose to write about how tapping has helped me over the years to regulate my nervous system when I’m on a flight. I often hear from other practitioners how tapping has helped them and their clients overcome fear of flying.

Personally, I experience intense fear when there is turbulence on the flight. Thanks to this simple and profound tool called tapping, I begin to tap right away sending a calming signal to the amygdala, soothing my nervous system, eventually experiencing a sense of calm and relief.

Tapping can seem like a mechanical activity, but it is very engaging in those moments when your nervous system is going through flight or fight mode. If you are someone like me, I encourage you to use tapping by acknowledging your fears.

I travelled to India for a couple of weeks in June. Needless to say, I tapped several times during the flight to regulate myself during turbulence. I began with voicing my fear, followed by feeling unsafe, giving myself permission to relax, staying calm and confident and moving on to expressing gratitude for a safe landing at my destination.

Apart from tapping on my own fears, I also did surrogate tapping every time I heard an infant cry during take off and landing, a toddler crying out loud in the middle of a tantrum while waiting in long lines at the airport and a few other places. It was very interesting to notice these infants and toddlers calm down within a few minutes of tapping.

As I began tapping, I said the following in my mind:” It’s okay! I know that you are upset and in pain or some discomfort. But, just know that you are always loved, understood, and protected by your parents, and you are safe right now. They are here to help you. You are going to feel better very soon”.

All I did was repeated these statements a few times and tapped on the side of my hand. At first, I was surprised and thought that it may be a coincidence, but when I noticed the same outcome for the sixth time, I knew for sure that something was really working to help ease the situation.

Everything is energy and we are all connected in this one big web of entangled energy. Every time we heal ourselves, we heal the world around us.

Please send me an email if you are interested in entering the drawing for a free one-to-one session this month.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


What happens when you create space after tapping?

One of the things that can happen when we tap on a regular basis and move energy is feeling very spacious and expansive within ourselves. When we reach this state, we feel all this energy and positive vibes lingering in our system. We may have a shift in mindset where we feel anything is possible and tapping can help me achieve my goals and dreams.

All of us know at an intellectual level that tapping alone is not going to help us get to where we want to go, as there is an intermediate step of taking action towards our goals. So, we have this newfound energy and vibe, and we are geared up to take action or make some changes in the way we think, act, and behave.

Once again, we may notice that the doubt, fear and lack of confidence slowly creeping into our system. And this can show up no matter how easy or difficult the action is in any area of our life. It happens only because change is very difficult for our subconscious mind and it will always try to keep us safe by resisting change.  If you are facing some obstacles and mental blocks along the way, these are all gentle reminders for you to return to tapping by acknowledging and interrupting our thought patterns. Inner work and healing takes some time and it is a life long process. But, here is the good news. The more you work on yourself, the easier it gets to bounce back from the ups and downs of life and let go of the conscious and unconscious resistance that keep us stuck.

It is also worth asking ourselves where do I want to focus all this energy now that I’m feeling lighter, more present, and happy. “Energy flows where attention goes”

I’m planning to do a drawing every month to offer two free one -to-one tapping sessions. If you are interested in entering the drawing, please send me an email and I’m happy to enter your name in the drawing.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


Finding Your Soul Profile

To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.

The soul knows everything. Be who you are and your life will transform forever. – Deepak Chopra

This week I choose to write about the soul profile after listening to Deepak Chopra’s podcast Daily Breath on how to find your soul profile with the following questions:

  1. What are the happiest moments in your life?
  2. What is your life purpose? If you had all the money in the world, how would you express your unique gifts and talents?
  3. What is going to be my contribution to my family, my society and to the world?
  4. Who are my role models and mentors in history, mythology, religion, culture, and business? Why?
  5. What do I contribute to my most important relationships? What do I do for them? And, what is expected in return?
  6. What are my unique strengths and talents and who benefits from them?
  7. What is my story? – my back story, my present story, and my future story?

I really enjoyed doing this exercise by answering the above questions. Deepak asks us to answer these questions with three or four words, or small phrases. When you put together all the answers, that is your soul profile that has meaning, context, relationships, and story and that is your life.

Questions are always helpful as they help us get into a self inquiry process. Hope you find the soul profile questions interesting and inspiring.

I’m planning to do a drawing every month to offer two free one -to-one tapping sessions. If you are interested in entering the drawing, please send me an email so that I can enter your name in the drawing.

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!


How do you know if tapping is working for you?

This week I choose to write about how to measure or know if tapping is really working for you. I recently had a conversation with someone who told me that she has been tapping for several years and still hasn’t experienced any big results. If for some reason you feel that you haven’t got any major breakthroughs using tapping, I encourage you to consider the following points and watch the video below.

  1. EFT tapping changes your neurology, physiology and biochemistry.
  2. EFT has a cumulative effect and even if you don’t see any major changes, you are still shifting and making changes in your energy body at a subtle level.
  3. It’s always a good idea to notice if you feel lighter, or if you react less and respond more or if you get less triggered than before.
  4. Yawning, burping, crying, sighing, and having a relaxed posture are all signs that you are clearing the stuck energy.
  5. If you have been tapping for a long time, it’s possible that you may have forgotten as to where and how you started and where you are right now.
  6. When we shift, transform and maintain that state for quite some time, that becomes our new norm and it can feel like that we are not getting much out of tapping.
  7. Even without any gains or benefits, if you are still returning to tapping, it is a very clear indication that this tool is helping you at some level.
  8. You can also measure your progress by three factors: intensity, duration, and frequency of the issues and the related emotions.

April is autism awareness month. I have been doing a 21-day video series for the past four years to honor the individuals on the spectrum across the globe, their families, and caregivers. This year, I’m creating content on the topic “Letting go”. Please email me if you want me to make a video on something that you want to let go but have a difficult time doing it.

Here is the first video in the series:

Wishing you peace and happiness!

Until next time, keep tapping!
