Material things are no replacement for human emotional love
Psychologist William James said that possibly the deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated.
This week I choose to write about “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. Some of you may have heard about this book and some of you may have heard about just the love languages like me through other sources.
I came across the five love languages through Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles”. After I came to know about the five love languages, it shifted the way I look at my relationships with friends, family and my children. I have also referred the love languages to my clients.
These are the 5 love languages, according to Gary Chapman:
- Words of affirmation
- Physical Touch
- Giving and Receiving gifts
- Quality Time
- Acts of service
As all of the above languages in the list talk for themselves, I wanted to share this with all of you, because it may be helpful to strengthen your relationships. But, as always I strongly believe that it all starts with us. Being able to love and nurture the child within all of us, will help us expand our horizons in terms of using our favorite love language with others.
I hope this newsletter/blog article will get you to research more on this topic and deepen your connections.
Wishing you peace and happiness!
Until next time, keep tapping!