Are you a parent of a child or a young adult or an adult on the autism spectrum? Do you feel drained and emotionally exhausted after all the therapies and interventions that you had to drive your child to? After spending countless hours working with your child, researching, working with schools to get services, dealing with your child’s melt downs, always on a tight schedule with your child, that you feel stuck somewhere along the way. You feel that something is missing and there’s got to be a way to soothe and comfort yourself, Trust me, I was in that place before I found tapping and everything shifted for me. Every time I got stressed out, I would use tapping and I was able to clear the energy of my turbulent emotions. I felt this release of stuck energy from my body and my mind, which led to the following:
- Being more present with myself and my child
- Gain clarity
- More acceptance of what is
- Not feeling guilty for not doing enough for my child
- Release stress and overwhelm
- Tapping became my self care tool
If any of the above resonated with you, please contact me and I will be happy to be a part of your journey. I will teach you all the tools I have in my tool box, the ones that I have learned from so many teachers, books, workshops, and programs and how to integrate them using EFT, and help you gain all the above.